Tuesday, May 4, 2010

May President's Note

I just became a mother for the third time and aside from being a little more tired, I feel so blessed.  Motherhood was something I had dreamed of.  I had wanted to have children, and in the beginning when my husband and I started trying, I thought for a moment that I might not get that opportunity.  We had a difficult time conceiving at first, and now three beautiful girls later, I am glad that my dream has come true.

I seem to have a bit of amnesia with each child.  I couldn’t remember how the labor and delivery of my second child went as I was coming up on delivering my third.  I can’t remember how much or how little my newborn is supposed to sleep.  I wonder how different things would be if each little newbie was born with their own instruction manual.  But maybe that would take all of the fun out of getting to know them?

I do know that as I grow more and more in to my role as a mother, I feel more and more indebted to my own mom.  She continues to surprise me all these years later as she continues to mother all three of her adult children, be a wonderful “Nana” to my girls, as well as live her own life after the heartbreak of a painful separation from my father.

I know that my mother has done her absolute best in parenting me and my siblings and now that I have children of my own, I know that it is no easy feat parenting three kids.  I feel the criticisms of my teenage years melting away and compassion setting in.

I want to wish all the mothers in the PMC a very happy Mother’s Day.  What a wonderful life it is to be a mom.  I hope you will come celebrate motherhood with us at the upcoming PMC Spring Tea and Silent Auction on the 23rd of May.

Veronica Blaustein
PMC President


  1. Is the PMC Tea and Silent Auction open to the community? If so, let me know if you need help promoting it!

  2. Hello! We are moving to the bay area and considering living in Petaluma. Would love to chat. My email is
